Sermons From Our Minister

Christian Living in a Distressing Time
The audio of this lesson is specifically tailored to the PowerPoint, and vice versa.
If you are able to utilize/view PowerPoint presentations, open or download/open that file first (click on the .pptx file below and to the right). Once you have the PowerPoint presentation visible, you will be ready to start the audio for the lesson. Do so by simply clicking the "Play" icon (above and to the right). Then follow the audio cues at the appropriate times to progress through the individual slides.
If you do not have capabilities for PowerPoint on your device, you made still be able to view the slides with the PDF version. Just click the file with the ".pdf" extension, and chose either "Open File" or "Download File" (and then open it).
Otherwise, simply click the "Play" icon (above and to the right) to listen to the sermon without the PowerPoint presentation.