Sermons From Our Minister

Sermons From Our Minister

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  Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
The Resurrected Christ, and Resurrected Christians 04/17/22 The Resurrected Christ, and Resurrected Christians Philip Strong N/A Sunday Morning Worship Resurrected_Christ_and_Christians_The.pdf Resurrected_Christ_and_Christians_The.docx 04-17-22am.mp3
Building a Good Foundation, #3- God's Household/Building 04/10/22 Building a Good Foundation, #3- God's Household/Building Philip Strong N/A Sunday Morning Worship Building_a_Good_Foundation_3.pdf Building_a_Good_Foundation_3.docx 04-10-22am.mp3
The Free Moral Agency of Man 03/27/22 The Free Moral Agency of Man Philip Strong N/A Sunday Morning Worship Free_Moral_Agency_of_Man_The.pdf Free_Moral_Agency_of_Man_The.docx 03-27-22am.mp3
Boasting in Weakness 03/20/22 Boasting in Weakness Philip Strong N/A Sunday Morning Worship Boasting_in_Weakness.pdf Boasting_in_Weakness.docx 03-20-22am.mp3
What Is Your Perspective on God? 03/13/22 What Is Your Perspective on God? Philip Strong N/A Sunday Morning Worship Perspective_of_God_Our.pdf Perspective_of_God_Our.docx 03-13-22am.mp3
Building a Good Foundation, #2: Jesus Christ- the Cornerstone Stumbled Over and Rejected 03/06/22 Building a Good Foundation, #2: Jesus Christ- the Cornerstone Stumbled Over and Rejected Philip Strong N/A Sunday Morning Worship Building_a_Good_Foundation_2.docx Building_a_Good_Foundation_2.pdf 03-06-22am.mp3
What is "THE Gospel"? 02/27/22 What is "THE Gospel"? Philip Strong N/A Sunday Morning Worship Gospel_What_is_the.pdf Gospel_What_is_the.docx 02-27-22am.mp3
New Testament Evangelism (it may not be what you think) 02/20/22 New Testament Evangelism (it may not be what you think) Philip Strong N/A Sunday Morning Worship Evangelism_NT_it_may_be_be_what_you_think.pdf Evangelism_NT_it_may_be_be_what_you_think.docx 02-20-22am.mp3
The World's Confusion vs. God's Knowledge 02/13/22 The World's Confusion vs. God's Knowledge Philip Strong N/A Sunday Morning Worship Confusion_of_the_World_vs_Knowledge_of_God.pdf Confusion_of_the_World_vs_Knowledge_of_God.docx 02-13-22am.mp3
Building a Good Foundation #1: Jesus Christ- the Chief Cornerstone 02/06/22 Building a Good Foundation #1: Jesus Christ- the Chief Cornerstone Philip Strong N/A Sunday Morning Worship Building_a_Good_Foundation_1.pdf Building_a_Good_Foundation_1.docx 02-06-22am.mp3
Doing What You Can 01/30/22 Doing What You Can Philip Strong N/A Sunday Morning Worship Doing_What_You_Can.pdf Doing_What_You_Can.docx 01-30-22am.mp3
Be Holy 01/09/22 Be Holy Philip Strong N/A Sunday Morning Worship Holy.pdf Holy.docx 01-09-22am.mp3
Jesus Makes All Things "New" 01/04/22 Jesus Makes All Things "New" Philip Strong N/A Sunday Morning Worship New_Jesus_Makes_All_Things.pdf My_Favorite_Characters_of_Heb.docx
Being New in Christ 01/02/22 Being New in Christ Philip Strong N/A Sunday Morning Worship
Understanding Church Growth, Part 2 12/19/21 Understanding Church Growth, Part 2 Philip Strong N/A Sunday Morning Worship 12-19-21am.mp3 Church_Growth_Part2.pdf Church_Growth_Part2.docx
Understanding Church Growth, Part 1 12/12/21 Understanding Church Growth, Part 1 Philip Strong N/A Sunday Morning Worship Church_Growth_Part1.pdf Church_Growth_Part1.docx 12-12-21am.mp3
Headaches 12/05/21 Headaches Philip Strong N/A Sunday Morning Worship Headaches.pdf Headaches.docx 12-5-21am.mp3
Appointed for a Called-Work 11/21/21 Appointed for a Called-Work Philip Strong N/A Sunday Morning Worship 11-21-21am.mp3
Marvelously Obvious 11/14/21 Marvelously Obvious Philip Strong N/A Sunday Morning Worship Marvelously_Obvious_Acts_4_13.pdf Marvelously_Obvious_Acts_4_13.docx 11-14-21am.mp3
A Root of Evils 11/03/21 A Root of Evils Philip Strong N/A Sunday Morning Worship Root_of_Evils_A.pdf Root_of_Evils_A.docx
Truly Loving God 10/24/21 Truly Loving God Philip Strong N/A Sunday Morning Worship Loving_God_Truly.pdf Loving_God_Truly.docx 10-24-21am.mp3
Two Choices in Life 10/17/21 Two Choices in Life Philip Strong N/A Sunday Morning Worship Two_Choices_in_Life.pdf Two_Choices_in_Life.docx 10-17-21am.mp3
Choosing Gratitude 10/10/21 Choosing Gratitude Philip Strong N/A Sunday Morning Worship Gratitude.pdf Gratitude.docx 10-10-21am.mp3
The Gospel IS Good News 09/26/21 The Gospel IS Good News Philip Strong N/A Sunday Morning Worship Good_News_of_the_Gospel_The.pdf Good_News_of_the_Gospel_The.docx 09-26-21am.mp3
Joseph of Arimathea: Gathering Up Courage 09/19/21 Joseph of Arimathea: Gathering Up Courage Philip Strong N/A Sunday Morning Worship Gathering_Up_Courage.pdf Gathering_Up_Courage.docx 09-19-21am.mp3

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