Sermons From Our Minister

Sermons From Our Minister

Thank you for visiting! On this page you will find sermons from our minister and from guest speakers from our congregation. You can search by keyword, or filter by year, by the name of the series which the sermon was in, by service time, or by speaker. Then, click on the title name and you can either listen to the sermon online (by clicking the "Play" button), or download a copy of the audio file (right-click on the file name and cloose "Save File As..."). Finally, you can recommend any of our sermons to friends or family members who may be interested in hearing them.

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  Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
Lessons from Jehoshaphat: What to Do When You're Afraid 09/13/20 Lessons from Jehoshaphat: What to Do When You're Afraid Philip Strong N/A Sunday Morning Worship Jehoshaphat_What_to_Do_When_Youre_Afraid.docx 09_13_20am.mp3
Laboring for the Lord 09/06/20 Laboring for the Lord Philip Strong N/A Sunday Morning Worship Laboring_for_the_Lord.pdf Laboring_for_the_Lord.docx 09_06_20am.mp3
Christian Survival (and Thriving) Truths 08/30/20 Christian Survival (and Thriving) Truths Philip Strong N/A Sunday Morning Worship Christian_Survival_Thriving_Truths.pdf Christian_Survival_Thriving_Truths.docx 08_30_20am.mp3
Subject Yourselves 08/16/20 Subject Yourselves Philip Strong N/A Sunday Morning Worship 08_16_20am.mp3 Subject_Yourselves.pdf Subject_Yourselves.docx
Lessons Learned From Our Abnormal Condition 06/28/20 Lessons Learned From Our Abnormal Condition Philip Strong N/A Sunday Morning Worship Normal_Longing_for.docx 06_28_20am.mp3
The Realist, the Optimist, and the Pessimist 06/21/20 The Realist, the Optimist, and the Pessimist Philip Strong N/A Sunday Morning Worship Pessimism_Optimism_and_Reality.docx 06_21_20am.mp3
Constants in Our Changing World 06/07/20 Constants in Our Changing World Philip Strong N/A Sunday Morning Worship 2020_Mid_Year_Review.pdf 2020_Mid_Year_Review.docx 06_07_20am.mp3
Developing and/or Maintaining a Positive Attitude 05/23/20 Developing and/or Maintaining a Positive Attitude Philip Strong N/A Sunday Morning Worship Positve_Attitude_.mp3 Positive_Attitude.ppt Positive_Attitude.pdf
Slaying Giants 05/16/20 Slaying Giants Philip Strong N/A Sunday Morning Worship Slaying_Giants.pdf Slaying_Giants.docx Slaying_Giants_2.mp3
Parents and Children 4- Biblical Perspectives on Parenting 05/09/20 Parents and Children 4- Biblical Perspectives on Parenting Philip Strong N/A Sunday Morning Worship Parents_and_Children_4.pdf Parents_and_Children_4.mp3 Parents_and_Children_4.docx
Former and Latter Glory, Haggai 2:1-9 05/02/20 Former and Latter Glory, Haggai 2:1-9 Philip Strong N/A Sunday Morning Worship Glory_Former_and_Latter.pdf Glory_Former_and_Latter.docx Former_and_Latter_Glory.mp3
"It Ruined My Life" 04/25/20 "It Ruined My Life" Philip Strong N/A Sunday Morning Worship Ruined_My_Life_It.mp3 Ruined_My_Life_It.pdf Ruined_My_Life_It.docx
Reasons Matter 04/18/20 Reasons Matter Philip Strong N/A Sunday Morning Worship Reasons_Matter.pptx Reasons_Matter.pdf Reasons_Matter.mp3
Less or More? 04/11/20 Less or More? Philip Strong N/A Sunday Morning Worship Less_or_More.mp3 Less_and_More.pptx Less_and_More.pdf
Parents and Children #3, Ephesians 6:1-4 04/04/20 Parents and Children #3, Ephesians 6:1-4 Philip Strong N/A Sunday Morning Worship Parents_and_Children_3.pptx Parents_and_Children_3.pdf Parents_and_Children_3_1.mp3
Christian Living in a Distressing Time 03/28/20 Christian Living in a Distressing Time Philip Strong N/A Sunday Morning Worship Distressing_Time_Christian_Living_in_a.pdf QT_Sermon_Christian_Living_in_Distressing_Time.mp3 Distressing_Time_Christian_Living_in_a.pptx
The Problem With Victim-hood 03/15/20 The Problem With Victim-hood Philip Strong N/A Sunday Morning Worship Victim_Playing_the.docx 03_15_20am.mp3
Effective Communication PT 2 03/08/20 Effective Communication PT 2 Philip Strong N/A Sunday Night Worship Communicate_Failure_to-1583860115.pdf 03_08_20pm.mp3
Effective Communication PT 1 03/08/20 Effective Communication PT 1 Philip Strong N/A Sunday Morning Worship Communicate_Failure_to.pdf 03_08_20am.mp3
Parents and Children #2c, Social Media Pt 3 - Mostly Negatives (for Children) 03/01/20 Parents and Children #2c, Social Media Pt 3 - Mostly Negatives (for Children) Philip Strong N/A Sunday Morning Worship Parents_and_Children_2.docx 03_01_20am.mp3
Parents and Children #2b, Social Media Pt 2 - Negatives (for adults) 02/23/20 Parents and Children #2b, Social Media Pt 2 - Negatives (for adults) Philip Strong N/A Sunday Night Worship Social_Media_Use_for_Adults_Part_2.docx 02_23_20pm.mp3
Parents and Children #2a, Social Media Pt 1- Positives (for adults) 02/23/20 Parents and Children #2a, Social Media Pt 1- Positives (for adults) Philip Strong N/A Sunday Morning Worship Social_Media_Use_for_Adults_Part_1.docx 02_23_20am.mp3
God's Word Over Culturally Accepted Practices 02/16/20 God's Word Over Culturally Accepted Practices Philip Strong N/A Sunday Night Worship 02_16_20pm.mp3 Culture_versus_Commandment.docx
Addiction To Audio and Visual Stimulation 02/16/20 Addiction To Audio and Visual Stimulation Philip Strong N/A Sunday Morning Worship Audio_Visual_Addiction.docx 02_16_20am.mp3
Are You Converted or Are You Just Baptized 02/09/20 Are You Converted or Are You Just Baptized Philip Strong N/A Sunday Morning Worship Converted_or_Just_Baptized.docx am_ser_2-9-2020.mp3

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