Recent News

Recent News

Shepherds and McAllister's

Good morning,

Since this coming Sunday is our singing night, we will have our Shepherd's class at 3:30. This is a class geared towards preparing the next generation of Shepherds/Elders in the church. If that is something you are working towards or if you are interested in thinking about leadership from a Biblical standpoint, we encourage you to come. We had a great turnout last time and some tremendous discussion. This class will be on the subject, "Men of Integrity."


Also, tonight is our McAllister's study. The one on Emmerson. We meet at 6:30 and will cover the end of Mark 11 and beginning of chapter 12. 

May 1, from Jonathan, Update

Good afternoon,

John's surgery was successful. He will have to be off the lef for at least 4 weeks. They said that the recovery time could take a while (6-12 months). They plan to keep him overnight to watch for swelling. He should go home tomorrow.

Please continue to pray for a speedy recovery.

May 1, from Jonathan

Last night, John McCauley had a motorcycle accident. He hit some gravel and the bike laid down. He ended up in a ditch and the bike hit a tree. They took him to the hospital and discovered that he had a spiral fracture in his lower leg, just above the ankle. Both the tibia and fibula are broken. They transferred him to Methodist hospital and he will have surgery this morning at 11. Sonya said that they are trying to keep him comfortable and he is ok as long as he doesn't move. Please pray for John, the doctors, Sonya, and the rest of the family!


I will send another update after surgery, hopefully with more information.