Personal and or Group Bible Study Materials

Personal and or Group Bible Study Materials

The contents in this folder are free downloads of study materials suitable for Personal or Group Bible Study.  The format of these files are either: PDF (.pdf), Word (.doc or .docx), or PowerPoint (.ppt or pptx).  Simply click on the desired title to activate the file, then click on the link that appears under the Downloadable File(s) on the lower right under its description.  The file will then be downloaded to your computer to use as you see fit. 

Displaying 1 - 10 of 45

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Date Title Author
08/10/22 Habakkuk: "Embrace" Philip C. Strong Habakkuk_Intro_and_Chps_1-3.docx Habakkuk_Intro_and_Chps_1-3.pdf
07/26/22 Nahum: "Consolation / Consoler" Philip C. Strong Nahum_Intro_and_Chps_1-3.docx Nahum_Intro_and_Chps_1-3.pdf
03/15/22 Hosea Lesson 5, Chapters 12 - 14 Philip C. Strong Hosea_5.docx Hosea_5.pdf
03/15/22 Hosea Lesson 4, Chapters 9 - 11 Philip C. Strong Hosea_4.docx Hosea_4.pdf
03/15/22 Hosea Lesson 3, Chapters 7 - 8 Philip C. Strong Hosea_3.docx Hosea_3.pdf
03/15/22 Hosea Lesson 2, Chapters 2 - 6 Philip C. Strong Hosea_2.docx Hosea_2.pdf
03/15/22 Hosea Lesson 1b, Chapters 1 - 3 Philip C. Strong Hosea_1b.docx Hosea_1b.pdf
03/15/22 Hosea Lesson 1a- Introduction Philip C. Strong Hosea_1a_Introduction.docx Hosea_1a_Introduction.pdf
07/07/21 "Prayer and Praise from the Psalms"- Preface and Lessons 1-2 Philip C. Strong P_and_P_Title_Preface_Lessons_1_and_2.docx P_and_P_Title_Preface_Lessons_1_and_2.pdf
10/07/20 Leadership Lessons from the Life of Moses- Lesson 21 Outline and Study Questions Philip C. Strong LLM-_Lesson_21_audio.mp3 LLM-_Lesson_21_Outline_and_Study_Questions.docx LLM-_Lesson_21_Outline_and_Study_Questions.pdf

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