Personal and or Group Bible Study Materials

Personal and or Group Bible Study Materials

The contents in this folder are free downloads of study materials suitable for Personal or Group Bible Study.  The format of these files are either: PDF (.pdf), Word (.doc or .docx), or PowerPoint (.ppt or pptx).  Simply click on the desired title to activate the file, then click on the link that appears under the Downloadable File(s) on the lower right under its description.  The file will then be downloaded to your computer to use as you see fit. 

Displaying 41 - 45 of 45

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Date Title Author
04/30/19 "Seeing Jesus," Part 1 Philip C. Strong Seeing_Jesus_Part_1.pdf
04/30/19 "The Christian Family" Philip C. Strong Christian_Family_QA_complete_set.pdf
04/30/19 "The Single-Thread" Key to Understanding the Bible Philip C. Strong 1Thread_Complete_copy_2.pdf
04/30/19 "Constructively Dealing with Homosexuality" Philip C. Strong Homosexuality_Constructively_Dealing_With.pdf
04/30/19 "The Selection, Appointment, and Duty of Elders" Philip C. Strong Elders_Study_Mens_One_Day_no_appendix.pdf

Displaying 41 - 45 of 45

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