Articles From Our Bulletins
Living Stones
“And coming to Him as to a living stone, rejected by men, but choice and precious in the sight of God, you also, as living stones, are being built up as a spiritual house…” (1 Peter 2:4)
Jesus is presented here as a “living stone.” He is the cor-nerstone, for a foundation of apostles and prophets that form the basis for a spiritual building. In that building Christians are also “living stones.” A number of reasons come to mind why the Lord chose this particular terminology for His people.
Stones are strong as build-ing materials. Wood warps and rots without proper treatment. The old “soddies” of pioneer days were famous for dropping dirt and insects in the home. Tents and canvases must be constantly repaired and replaced. Stone has always been a preferred building material, and still is (in brick and block) because it resists the storm and the extremes of temperature. No matter what comes along, stones placed with the right mortar just keep do-ing their job. With all of the Bible’s encouragements to be steadfast, I wonder if the Lord intended for us to do our job like stones, living stones. We need to remain strong.
Stones are pretty useless by themselves. Laying out in a field they are in the way. They will turn the ankle of man or horse or even demand that one walk around them if they are large enough. They will tear up plow or disc, depending on what century you happen to live in. In our age, and I suppose every age, there have been those who try to convince themselves and others that they just don’t need other Christians. They claim to have a rela-tionship with the head, but not the body. How foolish. As part of the Lord’s team we are able to really develop and find ourselves and our talents. Out in the field by ourselves, we are just in the way and become a problem to all concerned.
Stones are missed, when they are gone. I’ve watched the construc-tion of a house down the road from me for 30 years, as long as I’ve been coming to where I now live. The house has been sold to new people and had a pool installed, but it has never been finished. There is one spot, up near the roof on one corner, where the white stones have never been put in and the black material under-neath is visible. When stones are missing from a wall, there is a hole there because nothing else will do that job. When Christians are missing they also are missed. No one can take the place of what YOU bring to God’s service. God bless His “living stones.”