Articles From Our Bulletins

Articles From Our Bulletins

"Tailor-Made" is Better, Right?

“Tailor-Made” is supposed imply quality, and custom-fit to your specifications and desires.  And it generally does so, depending, of course, on the capabilities, talents, and attention to detail of the tailor!  I’ve even seen ads lately (which are probably not new- I’m generally well behind the technology curve!) that purport to give you a “custom-tailored fit” using an App that you download to your smart phone… though I’m pretty sure that neither I nor my phone are quite that smart.  Apparently, you use the App to take your own measurements, then text or email them to the company, along with your selections of style, fabric, color, etc., and then they take this information to make and ship the clothing directly to you.  Amazing- if it actually works, and you and your phone are smart enough for such advancements!  But here’s a question for your consideration: Have such customized, tailor-made and specific-to-me capabilities that are apparently becoming “norm” for our self-indulgent culture, bled over into expectations of our relationship and commitment to God also?   Absotively and posalutely!  Think about it- are you one who is seeking and expecting:


A “Tailor-Made” Appeal of God?  God the Father sending His only begotten Son to earth to live and die as the Sacrificial Lamb for our sins, and God the Holy Spirit revealing to us everything we need to know to attain that forgiveness, fellowship, and eternal salvation is apparently too “off the rack” for some folks.  Instead, they seem to want a “Damascus Road Experience” type of thing where God speaks to them directly, personally, and provides a “tailor-made” invitation to accept His blessings and provisions.  They forget three important points:  1) On the “Damascus Road,” Saul/Paul was being called to be an apostle- which included his traveling the world preaching, teaching, and “suffer(ing) for My name’s sake,” cf. Acts 9:15-16;  2) the gospel is “the power of God for salvation to every one who believes… for in it the righteousness of God is revealed,” Romans 1:16-17; and, 3) and “He called you through our gospel, that you may gain the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ,” 2Thessalonians 2:14.  We are all sinners, and therefore, all in need of the saving power of the gospel- no “tailor-made” or “custom-fitting” necessary.


A “Tailor-Made” Plan of Salvation?  As we don’t get to choose how God appeals to us, neither are we allowed to select a “custom-fit” option for the requirements of the salvation He offers.  There are no “drop-down lists” wherein we tick the boxes of the particular options or plans that “fit our needs/desires.”  Instead, it really is a “one size fits all” matter.  As noted above, we are all sinners (cf. Romans 3:9,23), and therefore in need of the same salvation, Romans 6:23.  This salvation comes through the grace of God, but does so in the form of instructions.  “For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation to all men, instructing us to deny ungodliness and worldly desires and to live sensibly, righteously and godly in the present age,” Titus 2:11-12.  Thus, we can’t “pick and choose” which options we prefer- we must, instead, follow all the instructions to receive the salvation God’s grace provides.  To be more specific, note that those who receive this salvation in the New Testament heard the word of God, believed, and were baptized, Acts 18:8.  Furthermore, by repentance they lived changed lives afterwards, cf. 1Corinthians 6:9-20.  God’s plan for saving mankind is not “tailor-made” to each individual, and we certainly do not get to “custom-fit” it to our own desires or expectations. 


A “Tailor-Made” Worship?  People seem to shop for a place to “worship” just like they do for clothes.  Does this fit my sense of style?  Is it: too “traditional” (if by “traditional” you mean “authorized in the New Testament,” that’s a good thing!); too “preachy” (if by “preachy” you mean they actually teach the Bible and demand obedience, that’s a good thing!); or “stuffy” (if by “stuffy” you mean they actually demonstrate reverence and respect for God and His worship in how they dress and conduct themselves- yep, you guessed it, that’s a good thing too!)?  The truth is that “worship” is supposed to be about giving honor, praise, adoration, and reverence to God, rather than simply appealing to our desires for entertainment or endeavoring to meet our felt needs to “feel better about myself.”  Paul warned the Philippian brethren regarding those who “seek after their own interests” rather than “those of Christ Jesus,”  and said of those “whose god is their appetite” and “set their minds on earthly things” that their “end is destruction,”  Philippians 2:21; 3:19.  So, which will it be for you?  Will you “worship” your own desires, or in the ways that God’s word authorizes?  (Hint: If you can’t find a particular worship practice in the New Testament, it isn’t authorized by God, or actually paying homage to Him.)   We can’t, and shouldn’t attempt to, have “tailor-made” or “custom-fit” worship services that cater to our tastes, and still expect God to praised or pleased.


A “Tailor-Made” Discipleship?   At this point, why not?  If we expect our expectations to be met in how God appeals to us, in how we become “Christians,” and how we want to worship, why would “discipleship” be any different?  But just for grins (tongue heavily in cheek!), let’s look at what Jesus said about “discipleship”- which is supposed to mean “following” Him, from Matthew 28:18-20:  that it recognizes and stems from His authority, v.18; that it includes being baptized by the Godhead’s authority, v.19; and that it requires being taught to observe all that He commands (because of His authority), v.20.  Now, I don’t know whether or not this fits your “tailor-made” and “custom-fit” mental picture of or efforts toward discipleship or not.  But if your concept and practice allows the “you do you” or “whatever makes you happy” or “whatever seems right to you” mentality and method, it isn’t true discipleship.  We’re supposed to be following Him, not going where and how we want to go and expecting Him to be there.  Discipleship, like the appeal of God, the plan of salvation, and worship, is not “tailor-made” or “custom-fit”! 

So, read, study, learn, and obey God’s word- that’s how He draws you to Himself, John 6:44-45.  Obey His plan of salvation because it actually works, Mark 16:16Worship God in the ways and means that He has specified, instead of worshipping yourself, John 4:23-24.  And certainly, follow Jesus wherever He leads because He is actually from heaven, and knows the way, John 14:6.