Sermons From Our Gospel Meetings

Sermons From Our Gospel Meetings

Thank you for visiting! On this page you will find sermons from our gospel meetings that we have held. You can search by keyword, or filter by year, by the name of the gospel meeting series, by service time, or by speaker. Then, click on the title name and you can either listen to the sermon online (by clicking the "Play" button), or download a copy of the audio file (right-click on the file name and cloose "Save File As...").Finally, you can recommend any of our sermons to friends or family members who may be interested in hearing them.

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  Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
Commitment to Church Leaders 04/26/16 Commitment to Church Leaders Mark McCrary 2016 Spring Gospel Meeting: A Call For Commitment (Mark McCrary) Gospel Meeting - Tuesday 04_26_16pm.mp3
Commitment to The Church 04/25/16 Commitment to The Church Mark McCrary 2016 Spring Gospel Meeting: A Call For Commitment (Mark McCrary) Gospel Meeting - Monday 04_25_16pm.mp3
Commitment to God 04/24/16 Commitment to God Mark McCrary 2016 Spring Gospel Meeting: A Call For Commitment (Mark McCrary) Sunday Morning Bible Study 04_24_16class.mp3
Commitment to Jesus Christ 04/24/16 Commitment to Jesus Christ Mark McCrary 2016 Spring Gospel Meeting: A Call For Commitment (Mark McCrary) Sunday Morning Worship 04_24_16am.mp3
Commitment to God's Word 04/24/16 Commitment to God's Word Mark McCrary 2016 Spring Gospel Meeting: A Call For Commitment (Mark McCrary) Sunday Night Worship 04_24_16pm.mp3
In Decisions: Choosing Jesus as Lord 10/09/15 In Decisions: Choosing Jesus as Lord Terry Slack 2015 Fall Gospel Meeting (Terry Slack) Gospel Meeting - Friday 10_09_15pm.mp3
In Thinking: Guarding the Gray Matter 10/08/15 In Thinking: Guarding the Gray Matter Terry Slack 2015 Fall Gospel Meeting (Terry Slack) Gospel Meeting - Thursday 10_08_15pm.mp3
In Holiness: Resident Aliens 10/07/15 In Holiness: Resident Aliens Terry Slack 2015 Fall Gospel Meeting (Terry Slack) Gospel Meeting - Wednesday 10_07_15pm.mp3
In Temptation: The Keys to Victory 10/06/15 In Temptation: The Keys to Victory Terry Slack 2015 Fall Gospel Meeting (Terry Slack) Gospel Meeting - Tuesday 10_06_15pm.mp3
In Suffering: The Point of Pain 10/05/15 In Suffering: The Point of Pain Terry Slack 2015 Fall Gospel Meeting (Terry Slack) Gospel Meeting - Monday 10_05_15pm.mp3
The Truths and Untruths 10/04/15 The Truths and Untruths Terry Slack 2015 Fall Gospel Meeting (Terry Slack) Sunday Morning Worship 10_04_15class.mp3
In Worship: An Audience of One 10/04/15 In Worship: An Audience of One Terry Slack 2015 Fall Gospel Meeting (Terry Slack) Sunday Morning Worship 10_04_15am.mp3
In Prosperity: God's Cure for "Affluenza" 10/04/15 In Prosperity: God's Cure for "Affluenza" Terry Slack 2015 Fall Gospel Meeting (Terry Slack) Sunday Night Worship 10_04_15pm.mp3
Maintaining Our Spiritual Fervency 05/15/15 Maintaining Our Spiritual Fervency Rickie Jenkins 2015 Spring Meeting: Surviving In Times Of Crisis (Rickie Jenkins) Gospel Meeting - Friday 05_15_15pm.mp3
Lord I Believe, Help My Unbelief 05/14/15 Lord I Believe, Help My Unbelief Rickie Jenkins 2015 Spring Meeting: Surviving In Times Of Crisis (Rickie Jenkins) Gospel Meeting - Thursday 05_14_15pm.mp3
First Things First 05/13/15 First Things First Rickie Jenkins 2015 Spring Meeting: Surviving In Times Of Crisis (Rickie Jenkins) Gospel Meeting - Wednesday 05_13_15pm.mp3
The Splinter and Plank Syndrome 05/12/15 The Splinter and Plank Syndrome Rickie Jenkins 2015 Spring Meeting: Surviving In Times Of Crisis (Rickie Jenkins) Gospel Meeting - Tuesday 05_12_15pm.mp3
God is Bigger 05/11/15 God is Bigger Rickie Jenkins 2015 Spring Meeting: Surviving In Times Of Crisis (Rickie Jenkins) Gospel Meeting - Monday 05_11_15pm.mp3
Surviving in Times of Crisis 05/10/15 Surviving in Times of Crisis Rickie Jenkins 2015 Spring Meeting: Surviving In Times Of Crisis (Rickie Jenkins) Sunday Morning Worship 05_10_15class.mp3
The Power of the Resurrection Today 05/10/15 The Power of the Resurrection Today Rickie Jenkins 2015 Spring Meeting: Surviving In Times Of Crisis (Rickie Jenkins) Sunday Morning Worship 05_10_15am.mp3
The Lord Heard Me 05/10/15 The Lord Heard Me Rickie Jenkins 2015 Spring Meeting: Surviving In Times Of Crisis (Rickie Jenkins) Sunday Night Worship 05_10_15pm.mp3
The Onion (Tears Beneath The Layers) 09/28/14 The Onion (Tears Beneath The Layers) Art Adams 2014 Fall Gospel Meeting (Art Adams) Sunday Morning Worship 09_28_14class.mp3
Loosening The Grip 09/28/14 Loosening The Grip Art Adams 2014 Fall Gospel Meeting (Art Adams) Sunday Morning Worship 09_28_14am.mp3
Creating A Welcoming Atmosphere In The Church 09/28/14 Creating A Welcoming Atmosphere In The Church Art Adams 2014 Fall Gospel Meeting (Art Adams) Sunday Night Worship 09_28_14pm.mp3
Sex And The Bible 09/27/14 Sex And The Bible Art Adams 2014 Fall Gospel Meeting (Art Adams) Gospel Meeting - Saturday 09_27_14_2pm.mp3

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