Sermons From Our Minister
A Distorted Self-Image
...and it certainly isn't limited to "old men"
James 1:22-25
There are many forms of distorted self-image, let's focus on 3 spiritual ones:
1. Seeing too little in yourself.
- Failing to see the worth/value God see in you, Rom 5:6-11 (Mt 10:28-33)
- Failing to see the potential God sees in you, Rom 5:1-5
- Consider Paul, as an example, 1 Tim 2:15-16
2. Seeing too much in yourself.
- No one is spiritually "bullet proof," 1 Cor 10:12; Rom 11:20; 2Pet 3:17-18
- Satan is "like a roaring lion," 1 Pet 5:8
- But that doesn't mean he can't be resisted, 1 Pet 5:9
- Peter is an example, Lk 22:31-34
3. Seeing too much of yourself.
- Those who "see" too much of themselves, see little else.
- Everything becomes about "me."
- This is not the way, Rom 15:1-7.
- The Pharisee of Luke 18:9-13 is an example.
So, look closely, see clearly, remember well (what you see), and make the changes God's perfect mirror of the soul requires, Jas 1:25