Sermons From Our Minister

Sermons From Our Minister

Thank you for visiting! On this page you will find sermons from our minister and from guest speakers from our congregation. You can search by keyword, or filter by year, by the name of the series which the sermon was in, by service time, or by speaker. Then, click on the title name and you can either listen to the sermon online (by clicking the "Play" button), or download a copy of the audio file (right-click on the file name and cloose "Save File As..."). Finally, you can recommend any of our sermons to friends or family members who may be interested in hearing them.

Displaying 326 - 350 of 987

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  Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
Loving God 04/29/18 Loving God Philip Strong N/A Sunday Morning Worship Loving_God.pptx 4_29_18am.mp3
Our Attitude Towards Things God Hates 04/22/18 Our Attitude Towards Things God Hates Philip Strong N/A Sunday Morning Worship Thinking_and_Feeling_Like_God_1.docx 4_22_18am.mp3
Our Attitudes Toward Things God Loves 04/22/18 Our Attitudes Toward Things God Loves Philip Strong N/A Sunday Night Worship Thinking_and_Feeling_Like_God_2.docx 4_22_18pm.mp3
Living For Jesus' Purposes 04/08/18 Living For Jesus' Purposes Philip Strong Living for Jesus Sunday Morning Worship Living_for_Jesus_4-_For_His_Purposes.docx 4_8_18am.mp3
I Surrender All: Building Walls Instead of Surrendering 04/08/18 I Surrender All: Building Walls Instead of Surrendering Philip Strong N/A Sunday Morning Worship Building_Walls_instead_of_Surrendering.docx 4_8_18pm.mp3
The Power of a Resurrected Life 04/01/18 The Power of a Resurrected Life Philip Strong N/A Sunday Morning Worship Resurrected_Life_Power.docx 4_1_18am.mp3
Doing Right In Our Own Eyes 04/01/18 Doing Right In Our Own Eyes Philip Strong N/A Sunday Night Worship Right_in_Own_Eyes.docx 4_1_18pm.mp3
Winning 03/25/18 Winning Philip Strong N/A Sunday Morning Worship Winning.docx 3_25_18am.mp3
Overcoming Challenges and Obstacles 03/25/18 Overcoming Challenges and Obstacles Philip Strong N/A Sunday Night Worship Challenges_of_Life_for_the_People_of_God.docx 3_25_18pm.mp3
Being Bound Together 03/18/18 Being Bound Together Philip Strong N/A Sunday Morning Worship Bound_Together.docx 3_18_18am.mp3
Manna and The Bread of Life 03/18/18 Manna and The Bread of Life Philip Strong N/A Sunday Night Worship Manna.docx 3_18_18pm.mp3
Deciding To Be Different 03/14/18 Deciding To Be Different Philip Strong N/A Sunday Night Worship Different.ppt 3_11_18pm.mp3
Living for Jesus 5- Resurrected Life 03/11/18 Living for Jesus 5- Resurrected Life Philip Strong Living for Jesus Sunday Morning Worship Living_for_Jesus_4-_Resurrected_Life.pdf 3_11_18am.mp3
Modern Day Idolatry 03/04/18 Modern Day Idolatry Philip Strong N/A Sunday Morning Worship Modern_Idolatry.pdf Modern_Idolatry.pptx 3_4_18am.mp3
Preparing & Cleansing Ourselves For God's Work 02/25/18 Preparing & Cleansing Ourselves For God's Work Philip Strong N/A Sunday Morning Worship Useful_Prepared_and.pdf 2_25_18am.mp3
Enduring Through Our Various Trials 02/25/18 Enduring Through Our Various Trials Philip Strong N/A Sunday Night Worship Double_Double_Toil_and_Trouble.pdf 2_25_18pm.mp3
Judgment, Mercy, and Grace 02/18/18 Judgment, Mercy, and Grace Philip Strong N/A Sunday Morning Worship Judgment_Mercy_and_Grace.pdf 2_18_18am.mp3
Lessons From Moses' Leadership 02/18/18 Lessons From Moses' Leadership Philip Strong N/A Sunday Night Worship Leadership_Lessons_from_Moses.pdf 2_18_18pm.mp3
Living for Jesus 3- Crucifying Our Old Man of Sin 02/11/18 Living for Jesus 3- Crucifying Our Old Man of Sin Philip Strong Living for Jesus Sunday Morning Worship Living_for_Jesus_2-_Crucifying_Self.pdf 2_11_18am.mp3
Living for Jesus 4- You Must Be Born Again 02/11/18 Living for Jesus 4- You Must Be Born Again Philip Strong Living for Jesus Sunday Morning Worship 2_11_18pm.mp3
Countenance Fallen: The Sin of Cain 02/04/18 Countenance Fallen: The Sin of Cain Philip Strong N/A Sunday Morning Worship Countenance_Fallen.pdf 2_4_18am.mp3
The Basics of Baptism: the 3 P's 01/28/18 The Basics of Baptism: the 3 P's Philip Strong N/A Sunday Morning Worship Baptism_Basics.ppt Baptism_Basics.pdf 1_28_18am.mp3
Reasons NOT To Be Baptized 01/28/18 Reasons NOT To Be Baptized Philip Strong N/A Sunday Night Worship Baptized_Reasons_Not_to_be.ppt Baptized_Reasons_Not_to_be.pdf 1_28_18pm.mp3
The Abuses of Divine Righteousness 01/21/18 The Abuses of Divine Righteousness Philip Strong N/A Sunday Morning Worship Romans_14-15.pdf Romans_14-15.ppt 1_21_18am.mp3
Living for Jesus 1- Becoming Dissatified with Living for Self 01/14/18 Living for Jesus 1- Becoming Dissatified with Living for Self Philip Strong Living for Jesus Sunday Morning Worship Living_for_Jesus_1-_Prerequisites_for_Living.pdf 1_14_18am.mp3

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