Sermons From Our Minister

Sermons From Our Minister

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  Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
God's Will For Our Lives 09/22/19 God's Will For Our Lives Philip Strong N/A Sunday Morning Worship Gods_Plans_for_Your_Life2.docx 09_22_19am.mp3
Why 'Follow Your Heart' Is Bad Advice 09/15/19 Why 'Follow Your Heart' Is Bad Advice Philip Strong N/A Sunday Night Worship Follow_Your_Heart_Fallacy.docx 09_15_19pm.mp3
Things Remembered By God That We Shouldn't Forget 09/15/19 Things Remembered By God That We Shouldn't Forget Philip Strong N/A Sunday Morning Worship Gods_Ability_to_Remember_and_Forget.docx 09_15_19am.mp3
Biblical Principles and Perspectives on Cancer 09/08/19 Biblical Principles and Perspectives on Cancer Philip Strong N/A Sunday Morning Worship Cancer_Biblical_Principles_and_Perspectives_rev.pptx 09_08_19am.mp3
Believing and Loving the Truth, 2Thessalonians 2:10-12 09/01/19 Believing and Loving the Truth, 2Thessalonians 2:10-12 Philip Strong N/A Sunday Night Worship Believing_and_Loving_the_Truth.pptx 09_01_19pm.mp3
God's Field, His "P" Patch 09/01/19 God's Field, His "P" Patch Philip Strong N/A Sunday Morning Worship P_Patch_Gods_Field.pptx 09_01_19am.mp3
Entrust Your Soul to God 08/25/19 Entrust Your Soul to God Philip Strong N/A Sunday Night Worship Entrusting_Our_Souls_to_God.docx 08_25_19pm.mp3
Dangers in Compartmentalizing 08/25/19 Dangers in Compartmentalizing Philip Strong N/A Sunday Morning Worship Compartmentalizing_rev.pptx 08_25_19am.mp3
Go About Doing Good 08/11/19 Go About Doing Good Philip Strong N/A Sunday Night Worship Doing_Good.docx 08_11_19pm.mp3
Being The Light of The World 08/11/19 Being The Light of The World Philip Strong N/A Sunday Morning Worship Keep_Your_Lamp_Trimmed_and_Bright.docx 08_11_19am.mp3
Owning Your Responsibilities 08/04/19 Owning Your Responsibilities Philip Strong N/A Sunday Night Worship Responsible_Being.pdf 08_04_19pm.mp3
Mind Control: Meditate on Good Things 08/04/19 Mind Control: Meditate on Good Things Philip Strong N/A Sunday Morning Worship Thinking_on_Good_Things.pdf 08_04_19am.mp3
Feelings of "Self-Doubt," "Inadequacy," and  "Inferior" 07/28/19 Feelings of "Self-Doubt," "Inadequacy," and "Inferior" Philip Strong N/A Sunday Morning Worship Inferiority.pptx 07_28_19am.mp3
Being Counted Worthy 07/28/19 Being Counted Worthy Philip Strong N/A Sunday Night Worship Worthy.docx 07_28_19pm.mp3
God's Patience 07/21/19 God's Patience Philip Strong N/A Sunday Morning Worship Patience_of_God_rev.docx PM_sermon__7-21-19.mp3
Wait Upon The Lord 07/21/19 Wait Upon The Lord Philip Strong N/A Sunday Morning Worship Patience_Being_Happy_while_Waiting.docx am_sermon__7-21-19.mp3
Confidence or Shame in Our Christian Lives 07/14/19 Confidence or Shame in Our Christian Lives Philip Strong N/A Sunday Night Worship Confidence.docx 07_14_19pm.mp3
When Shame Is Eliminated 07/14/19 When Shame Is Eliminated Philip Strong N/A Sunday Morning Worship Shame.docx 07_14_19am.mp3
Seeing Ourselves in Luke 15:11-32 07/07/19 Seeing Ourselves in Luke 15:11-32 Philip Strong N/A Sunday Morning Worship Seeing_Ourselves.docx 07_07_19am.mp3
Jesus, The Name That Saves Us 06/30/19 Jesus, The Name That Saves Us Philip Strong N/A Sunday Night Worship 06_30_19pm.mp3
Being Religious And Spiritual 06/30/19 Being Religious And Spiritual Philip Strong N/A Sunday Morning Worship Religious_but_Not_Spiritual.pptx 06_30_19am.mp3
Our Decaying-Body Attitudes 06/23/19 Our Decaying-Body Attitudes Philip Strong N/A Sunday Night Worship Momentary_Light_Affliction.doc 06_23_19pm.mp3
What's Wrong With The World? 06/23/19 What's Wrong With The World? Philip Strong N/A Sunday Morning Worship Whats_Wrong_with_the_World.pdf 06_23_19am.mp3
Forty Years of Funerals- What It Takes to Enter the Promised Land 06/16/19 Forty Years of Funerals- What It Takes to Enter the Promised Land Philip Strong N/A Sunday Night Worship Forty_Years_of_Funerals.docx 06_16_19pm.mp3
The Three Most Important Things Fathers Can Give Their Children 06/16/19 The Three Most Important Things Fathers Can Give Their Children Philip Strong N/A Sunday Morning Worship Father_Can_Give_Three_Greatest_Gifts_Can_Give_His_Children.docx 06_16_19am.mp3

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