Sermons From Our Minister

Sermons From Our Minister

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  Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
Seeing God 12/13/20 Seeing God Philip Strong N/A Sunday Morning Worship Seeing_God.pdf Seeing_God.docx 12_13_20am.mp3
A Call to Remembrence 12/06/20 A Call to Remembrence Philip Strong N/A Sunday Morning Worship Escaping_Notice.pdf Escaping_Notice.docx 12_06_20am.mp3
Being Thankful God's Power to Preserve, Spare, and Rescue 11/29/20 Being Thankful God's Power to Preserve, Spare, and Rescue Philip Strong N/A Sunday Morning Worship Thankful_for_Gods_Power_to_Preserve.pdf Thankful_for_Gods_Power_to_Preserve.docx 11_29_20am.mp3
Restoring a Nation 11/22/20 Restoring a Nation Philip Strong N/A Sunday Morning Worship Restoring_a_Nation.pdf Restoring_a_Nation.docx 11_22_20am.mp3
Living for God and Rejoicing in the Midst of Persecution and Suffering 11/15/20 Living for God and Rejoicing in the Midst of Persecution and Suffering Philip Strong N/A Sunday Morning Worship Tests_Trials_and_Persecutions_Being_Prepared.docx 11_15_20am.mp3
Weeping or Rejoicing 11/08/20 Weeping or Rejoicing Philip Strong N/A Sunday Morning Worship Weep_or_Rejoice.docx 11_08_20am.mp3
Gratitude vs. Complaining 11/01/20 Gratitude vs. Complaining Philip Strong N/A Sunday Morning Worship Gratitude_vs_Complaining.pdf Gratitude_vs_Complaining.docx 11_01_20am.mp3
How to Weaken and Lose Your Faith 10/25/20 How to Weaken and Lose Your Faith Philip Strong N/A Sunday Morning Worship How_to_Weaken_and_Lose_Your_Faith.docx How_to_Weaken_and_Lose_Your_Faith.pdf 10_25_20am.mp3
Who Is Your Enemy? 10/18/20 Who Is Your Enemy? Philip Strong N/A Sunday Morning Worship Enemy_Who_is_Your.pdf Enemy_Who_is_Your.docx 10_18_20am.mp3
Praying to an Omniscient, Omnipotent, and Omnipresent God 10/13/20 Praying to an Omniscient, Omnipotent, and Omnipresent God Philip Strong N/A Sunday Morning Worship 10-11-20.mp3 Praying_to_an_Omniscient_God.docx
Spiritual Idleness (Learning to be Idle) 10/04/20 Spiritual Idleness (Learning to be Idle) Philip Strong N/A Sunday Morning Worship 10_04_20am.mp3 Idle_Learning_to_Idle.pdf Idle_Learning_to_Idle.docx
A Snake in Your Kitchen 09/27/20 A Snake in Your Kitchen Philip Strong N/A Sunday Morning Worship Snake_in_the_Kitchen.docx 09_27_20am.mp3
Making Paul's Joy Complete 09/20/20 Making Paul's Joy Complete Philip Strong N/A Sunday Morning Worship Unity_Recipe_Philippians_2_1-2.docx Unity_Recipe_Philippians_2_1-2.pdf 09_20_20am.mp3
Lessons from Jehoshaphat: What to Do When You're Afraid 09/13/20 Lessons from Jehoshaphat: What to Do When You're Afraid Philip Strong N/A Sunday Morning Worship Jehoshaphat_What_to_Do_When_Youre_Afraid.docx 09_13_20am.mp3
Laboring for the Lord 09/06/20 Laboring for the Lord Philip Strong N/A Sunday Morning Worship Laboring_for_the_Lord.pdf Laboring_for_the_Lord.docx 09_06_20am.mp3
Christian Survival (and Thriving) Truths 08/30/20 Christian Survival (and Thriving) Truths Philip Strong N/A Sunday Morning Worship Christian_Survival_Thriving_Truths.pdf Christian_Survival_Thriving_Truths.docx 08_30_20am.mp3
Subject Yourselves 08/16/20 Subject Yourselves Philip Strong N/A Sunday Morning Worship 08_16_20am.mp3 Subject_Yourselves.pdf Subject_Yourselves.docx
Lessons Learned From Our Abnormal Condition 06/28/20 Lessons Learned From Our Abnormal Condition Philip Strong N/A Sunday Morning Worship Normal_Longing_for.docx 06_28_20am.mp3
The Realist, the Optimist, and the Pessimist 06/21/20 The Realist, the Optimist, and the Pessimist Philip Strong N/A Sunday Morning Worship Pessimism_Optimism_and_Reality.docx 06_21_20am.mp3
Constants in Our Changing World 06/07/20 Constants in Our Changing World Philip Strong N/A Sunday Morning Worship 2020_Mid_Year_Review.pdf 2020_Mid_Year_Review.docx 06_07_20am.mp3
Developing and/or Maintaining a Positive Attitude 05/23/20 Developing and/or Maintaining a Positive Attitude Philip Strong N/A Sunday Morning Worship Positve_Attitude_.mp3 Positive_Attitude.ppt Positive_Attitude.pdf
Slaying Giants 05/16/20 Slaying Giants Philip Strong N/A Sunday Morning Worship Slaying_Giants.pdf Slaying_Giants.docx Slaying_Giants_2.mp3
Parents and Children 4- Biblical Perspectives on Parenting 05/09/20 Parents and Children 4- Biblical Perspectives on Parenting Philip Strong N/A Sunday Morning Worship Parents_and_Children_4.pdf Parents_and_Children_4.mp3 Parents_and_Children_4.docx
Former and Latter Glory, Haggai 2:1-9 05/02/20 Former and Latter Glory, Haggai 2:1-9 Philip Strong N/A Sunday Morning Worship Glory_Former_and_Latter.pdf Glory_Former_and_Latter.docx Former_and_Latter_Glory.mp3
"It Ruined My Life" 04/25/20 "It Ruined My Life" Philip Strong N/A Sunday Morning Worship Ruined_My_Life_It.docx Ruined_My_Life_It.pdf Ruined_My_Life_It.mp3

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